Sunday, April 28, 2013

What I don't understand about "popular girls"

You know that one time in your life when you thought it would be so cool to Ms.Popularity?

Yeah, so do I.

But recently I've been thinking about it and  I've come to learn there is a lot of things I don't understand to popular girls and being popular.

#1: Why is it so enjoyable to have everyone up in your business and constantly talking to you all the time. I mean yeah, you might be a social person, but don't you popular girls ever want to be alone for one second of your life? It just seems exhausting trying to connect and talk to people all the time. I would get so irritated and I would just blow up.

#2: Living up to Expectations. Oh my gosh. When you're popular everyone builds up this the character that they think you are. And you have to live up to it or everyone will say you're fake and that you're never yourself. What if you're a bitch but you want to stop being a bitch but then everyone says that you are two-faced and fake? I mean, doesn't that suck? And not to mention that if you wanted to stop being a bitch, it would take forever for everyone to believe you have stopped because of the figure that they think you are.

#3: Drama. I mean, when you're popular, isn't there drama ALL THE TIME!? Girls that want to be more or as popular as you are trying to run you out...what about all of that!?

#4: Haters. Doesn't most of your popularity come from haters? While you're building up this fake persona, people are noticing and are jealous of you succeeding and are trying to break it down. What's the point of being popular when almost everyone despises you? Wouldn't you rather be loved?

#5: Clothes. Okay, this is just from the people in my school or in my city and area. Whatever happened to the popular girls clothing attire from the Movie Mean Girls? I mean, I would understand a little bit more why your popular if you wore CUTE clothes, because then girls would think that your outfit is so cute and think you're an interesting person. But not ONCE have I seen Regina George wear yoga pants & sweatshirt or just jeans and plain top as a full on gorgeous outfit. When I look at all of the popular people around me, I notice that NONE of them actually wear nice clothes. All they do is "scrub". Like, what the fuck?! How are you gaining popularity when you look like a freaking HOBO?! And lately, every time I turn the freaking corner I see a North Face jacket. I mean, no. That's not cute. It's overrated and you don't stick out at all. Why would you want to be like everyone else?

#6: Grades. Do you think its cute to not do your work? To just copy someone else's? Or just have bad grades? Do you think that all of your college scholarships and money is going to come from you being dumb or looking "cute"? Sure you might get away with it now in High School, but wait for real life honey. You'll see.

I know I'm ranting a little bit but a lot of this stuff is just so confusing!! I mean really!?

I'm going to talk about some more of these on my Youtube Channel. But these are just some of them that came to mind today. I honestly can go on and on, but not today. :/

See you guys later, Aae. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4/23/13 Rain.

It's raining outside right now. I really just love the rain. Maybe not how it looks, but I love what it sounds like. I just like to sit in my room and turn off everything and just...listen.

Today wasn't very exciting. I woke up around 1:30 p.m. which is crazy. I want to start getting up early so I can get some stuff done. For some reason it's just so hard to do. Oh well. 

I woke up and I cleaned my room and went to get my check from Taco Bell. It wasn't a lot because they only counted the first two times I worked. But my next check should be A LOT. I work from Thursday to Sunday this week, for about 5 hours each day. So that's good. Right now working at Taco Bell is really fun. But sometimes it's overwhelming when it's so busy. But I just push through it. And I sometimes feel a little pressured when I get someone's order wrong and they give me attitude for it. I wish I could just hold a sign in my hand that says, "Hey, I'm new."

After I went to get my check I came home and filmed a weekly TBR video for Youtube and uploaded it. 

So as I said, today hasn't been very exciting. Maybe tomorrow should be better. 

I'm going to go write some more now for Wattpad.

Ttyl Aae. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

4/22/13 College?

Wow, it's already the end of tenth grade? Geez, it went by so fast! Now all that's left is two more years of high school....and college?

Next year I'll be taking college courses and I'm so excited! I'll be getting a head start and I'm going to be ahead of everyone! I'm so glad to have this opportunity.

I actually didn't think I was going to make it into the program. I thought I did horrible on the PLAN test, but apparently not! I passed the Math segment just barely with a 19 (which is the score to pass)! In Reading and  English I earned way pass the required score of course! ;D

I wish more people tried to make it into this program! They pay for your books and courses! But everyone is too busy doing other things that won't matter in the future.

Today I celebrated with my family. We went out to this place called Lucky's Strike. It's like an arcade, bowling alley, and restaurant put into one. It was so fun and I won 1,337 tickets! Haha, thanks Deal or No Deal.

Today I called my Grandma and it was the first time I'd done it on my own. It really made my day talking to her and I think it's important to talk to your grandparents because they aren't around forever.

So my friend's boyfriend of 15 months broke up with her today, and she's pretty broken up about it. I told her that we should go out tomorrow, not just for her, but for me too because she isn't the only one going through anything. And also, going out is good for her. How is staying inside and mourning over some boy supposed to help anything? But all she wanted to do was sit in her house and sleep tomorrow. And she didn't even think about it. I really wanted to go out tomorrow, but she just refuses. So now I go back to feeling down.

Other than that setback today was an A O-KAY day.

I think I'm going to go read now. (:

Talk to you later Aae.